New Boiler Installation

Paragon Mechanical Plumbing and heating is Alaska’s boiler specialists. New Boiler installation and mechanical room design for home plumbing or commercial plumbing projects is where do our best work. A brand new boiler installation in your home or business gives you the best chance of creating the most cost effective and economical heating solution possible. Boiler technology has changed dramatically over the last few years and there are boiler and heating system options today that simply did not exist a few short year ago.

When we do a new boiler installation we begin by doing a complete analysis of your current mechanical room and home plumbing or business plumbing scenario. Then we consult with you to determine the best design for your current and future needs. Once a plan and free estimate are developed and approved, we move forward to build the most efficient plumbing system possible.

High Efficiency Condensing Boilers

Condensing boilers have changed the game entirely in the boiler market around the world and are especially suited for Alaska climate and cold temperatures. They are super efficient and can maintain efficiency up to the 98% range making them a very desirable choice for an Alaska home heating or business heating solution.